Turn on/off the plugin
deathrun_toggle 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off the spray blocker
deathrun_spray 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off the radio commands blocker
deathrun_radio 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off giving USP for CT's
deathrun_giveusp 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off removing buyzone
deathrun_removebz 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off remove money and timer from hud
deathrun_hidehud 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off blocking money, if yes, player always will have 0$
deathrun_blockmoney 1/0 <default: 1>
Block or enable 'kill' command for CTs (1 - blocked, 0 - enabled)
deathrun_blockkill 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off the semiclip
deathrun_semiclip 1/0 <default: 1>
Turn on/off the life system, if set to 2, terrorist for winning team will get also 1 life point.
deathrun_lifesystem 2/1/0 <default: 1>
If 1 then gamename will be changed to 'Deathrun v2.5'
deathrun_gamename 1/0 <default: 1