// =================================================================================================
// Ultra Hide-N-Seek
// by Exolent
// =================================================================================================
// Descripiton:
// This is mod where the Terrorists must avoid being killed by the Counter-Terrorists.
// After the hide timer is over, the Terrorist team must run and do whatever is possible
// to avoid being killed.
// If the Counter-Terrorist team wins the round, the teams switch.
// A scrim mod is also included. The types are "Point System" and "Round Wins".
// Point System:
// The opposing teams play 5 rounds on each team, 10 total.
// The winner is based on which team has the most points by the end of the scrim.
// To receive points, you can:
// Kill: 1 point + 1 extra point if headshot (points are negative if TK)
// Suicide: -1 point
// Round Win: 2 points
// If both teams have the same points by the end of the scrim, then the teams have
// have 1 round on each team until a winner is chosen.
// Round Wins:
// The Terrorist team must win X rounds in a row to win the scrim.
// X = cvar number for round wins (hns_scrimwins)
// If the Counter-Terrorist team wins a round before the Terrorist team reach the
// minumum amount to win the scrim, the teams switch and the round count resets.
// Features:
// 2 Different scrim mods
// Removes footsteps from Terrorists (Changeable by cvar)
// Anti-boosting (Changeable by cvar)
// Removes bomb, hostages, rescue points, bomb sites, vents, glass, doors, etc.
// Uses timer sounds ("two", "one") during the hide countdown.
// Blocks the use of buying.
// During scrims, teammates can use alltalk in voicecomm to each other, and not to the other team.
// Client Say Commands:
// /hnshelp -- Displays an motd of what this mod is about.
// /scrimhelp -- Displays an motd of how scrims work.
// /scores -- Displays scores during a scrim.
// /wins -- Same as /scores.
// /rounds -- Displays the number of rounds left in the scrim.
// /team -- Displays the current team the player is on in the scrim.
// Admin Say Commands:
// /hns -- Toggles the Hide-N-Seek mod.
// /scrim -- Toggles the scrim mod.
// /captains -- Displays two random people to be captains of the scrim (for pug scrims)
// Admin Console Commands:
// hns_on <1|0> -- Turns On/Off Hide-N-Seek mod.
// hns_scrim <1|0> -- Turns On/Off scrim mod.
// hns_scrimtype <1|2> -- 1 for point system, 2 for round wins
// hns_scrimvote -- Starts a vote for what scrim type the people want.
// Cvar Description:
// hns_pluginon <1|0> -- Determines if the Hide-N-Seek mod is on or off. (Default: 1)
// hns_gametype <name> -- Gametype for the server (Default: Hide-N-Seek)
// hns_scrimvoice <1|0> -- Allows alltalk among teammates during scrims. (Default: 1)
// hns_hudcolor <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> -- RGB color code for the hud message + blind color (Default: 255 75 255)
// hns_timersounds <1|0> -- Allows the use of countdown sounds when hide timer is below or equal to 10 (Default: 1)
// hns_scrimwins <N> -- Number of rounds the Terrorist team must win to win the scrim during a "Round Wins" scrim (Default: 3)
// hns_blockboosting <1|0> -- Allows boosting (a player jumping on a teammate) to be blocked. (players will be punished) (Default: 1)
// hns_hidetime <N> -- Number of seconds the Terrorist team has until the Counter-Terrorist team can start seeking. (Default: 10)
// hns_money <N> -- Amount of money each player will always have (Default: 0)
// hns_helpmsg <1|0> -- Allows the help messages to be shown (Type /hnshelp...) (Default: 1)
// hns_killpoints <N> -- Points given to a team for a kill during a point system scrim (Default: 1)
// hns_headshotpoints <N> -- Points given to the kill/suicide score when kill was a headshot (Default: 1)
// hns_suicidepoints <N> -- Points subtracted from the suicider's team's points during a point system scrim (Default: 1)
// hns_roundpoints <N> -- Points given to the team that wins the round during a point system scrim (Default: 2)
// hns_tarmor <N> -- Amount of armor given to the Terrorist team at the start of the round (Default: 75)
// hns_ctarmor <N> -- Amount of armor given to the CT team at the start of the round (Default: 100)
// hns_forcewinner <1|0> -- Forces winner in the event of a draw during a point system csrim (allows more rounds) (Default: 1)
// hns_blindcolors <0|1|2|3> -- Colors on the Counter-Terrorist team during the hide time -- 0 = black; 1 = darker hns_hudcolor; 2 = rainbow colors; 3 = random colors (Default: 1)
// hns_footsteps <0|1> -- Removes the footsteps from the Terrorist team when 1 (Default: 1)
// hns_flashbangs <N> -- Number of flashbangs a Terrorist will be given after the hide timer is over (Default: 2)
// hns_hegrenade <N> -- Number of he grenades a Terrorist will be given after the hide timer is over (Default: 1)
// hns_smokegrenade <N> -- Number of smoke grenades a Terrorist will be given after the hide timer is over (Default: 1)
// hns_tknife <1|0> -- Gives Terrorists a knife for the round -- Prevents 240 maxspeed when not holding anything (Default: 1)
// Changelog:
// Version 1.0
// - Initial Release
// Version 1.1
// - Added hns_money cvar
// - Changed hns_gametype cvar to be the actual gametype
// - Fixed few bugs
// - Changed the "task_GiveWeapons" task to execute when the hide timer ends
// - Put the knife giving task into another task so Terrorists will have an item when hiding
// - Put the scores into separate arrays for later use
// Version 1.2
// - Changed all message to emessage_begin, ewrite_byte, etc.
// - Added hns_helpmsg cvar
// - Added hns_killpoints cvar
// - Added hns_headshotpoints cvar
// - Added hns_suicidepoints cvar
// - Added hns_roundpoints cvar
// - Added hns_tarmor cvar
// - Added hns_ctarmor cvar
// - Added hns_forcewinner cvar
// - Added hns_blindcolors cvar
// - Added hns_footsteps cvar
// - Added hns_flashbangs cvar
// - Added hns_hegrenade cvar
// - Added hns_smokegrenade cvar
// - Added hns_tknife cvar
// - Put scores back into single integer
// - Fixed bug that wouldnt allow a winner in a point system scrim
// - Fixed buying bug
// - Fixed check model bug
// Version 1.3
// - Fixed small bug about knife giving
// Version 1.4
// - Changed the 'TeamInfo' message back to message_begin() style natives
// - Added hostage outside of the map to remove the slaying of CT team, which forced the round to end
// - Fixed a few mistakes
// Credits*:
// OneEyed
// -- for the original Hide-N-Seek plugin
// VEN
// -- for the No Objectives plugin
// -- for the No Weapon Drop plugin
// AMX Mod X Development Team/OLO
// -- restmenu.sma which provided me fully with buy cmd aliases and other code
// Cheap_Suit
// -- for the Anti-Boost plugin
// hlstriker
// -- for the code on how to create a hostage outside of the map
// *If I forgot anyone, please tell me who and what I forgot them for.
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